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God`s Squad CMC Launceston
Sat - 21 Dec - 11:36 pm
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God`s Squad CMC Launceston 2006 Guestbook

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Merry x mas and a happy new year brother's..!
Stay blessed.
GSCMC Norway (Chapter)
Roger - GSCMC
http://www.godssquad.org Norway 25 Dec 2006 12:55 am

Merry x mas too you all in your chapter..!!
GSCMC Norway (Chapter)
Roger - GSCMC
http://www.godssquad.org Norway 25 Dec 2006 12:41 am

Hi My Brothers!
I wish you all Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year 2007!
I hope we will see soon.
GSCMC Finland(prospect chapter)
Timo - GSCMC Finland(prospect chapter)
Finland 24 Dec 2006 9:08 pm

Wishing you all a peaceful and merry christmas and a great year 2007. Look forward to seeing you all next year.
Isak - GSCMC Finland prospect chapter
http://finland.gscmc.com Finland 24 Dec 2006 8:37 pm

God Jul (Merry Christmas)
We hope you and you families have a joyous and prosperous Christmas and a happy new year as we celebrate the birthday of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Hope to see you all next year.
God’s Squad CMC Norway
http://www.godssquad.org Norway 24 Dec 2006 8:56 am

Itīs great for me to be in the Gods Squad CMC community!
A lotīs of blessings 4 U and your famillies!
Keep on biking and praying!
Squad Supporter Germany
Holle - Squad Supporter Germany
23 Dec 2006 8:47 am

Stopped by to say Merry CHRISTmas, God Bless & enjoyed the pics. Keep in the word & in his service !!! so many souls to reach, L & R , 2 liter, sgt.@ Arms, Modesto, chapter, SFJMC <><
2 liter - Soldiers for Jesus M.C.
http://www.soldiersforjesusmc.com modesto, calif. USA 20 Dec 2006 9:16 am

Just wanted to say hi to all the fellas in Launceston and Hobart chapters and to wish you all a great Christmas. Hope to catch up with some of you in 2007.
Love & Respect
God's Squad CMC, United Kingdom
Howie - God's Squad CMC, United kingdom
http://www.godssquad.org.uk Manchester, United Kingdom 12 Dec 2006 10:18 pm

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