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God`s Squad CMC Launceston
Sat - 27 Jul - 1:14 pm
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God`s Squad CMC Launceston 2010 Guestbook

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Wonderful Christmas greatings and a great New Year 2011 to our Tasmanian brothers from the German Crew
GSCMC Germany
Werner - GSCMC
g 23 Dec 2010 10:00 am

A blessed Christmas and peaceful New Year to everyone.
Adrian GSCMC South Secretary
Adrian - GSCMC South
Worthing West Sussex England 14 Dec 2010 8:13 pm

Just wishing all the guys in Launceston and Hobart chapters and their families a great Christmas and all the very best for 2011
Love & Respect
GSCMC North, United Kingdom
Howie - GSCMC North
http://www.godssquad.org.uk Manchester, UK 14 Dec 2010 8:17 am

Was great to catch up with Andrew at our 15th Anniversary and party with a fellow Tasmanian. Thanks for making the journey.
Dale - Treasurer GSCMC UK
Manchester 16 Oct 2010 9:52 am

Greetings to you all in oz. Great to see a bunch of bikers into JESUS. Met one of your members over here at our church today. ( Jean / Gene ?) He blessed us with a song. All the best to you all Bros ...........John Smith ( the Kiwi one lol)
John Smith
Christchurch NZ 12 Sep 2010 12:14 pm

Just wanted to say thanks for the our 15th Anniversary plaque, it goes nice on our clubhouse wall, you'll have to come and have a beer with us in Manchester or Swansea to see it.
It was great having Andrew over too, he is a great guy with a big heart, look after him or we might steal him!!
Hope to see some of you soon.
Love & Respect
God's Squad CMC United Kingdom
Howie - God's Squad CMC United Kingdom
http://www.godssquad.org.uk Manchester, UK 24 Aug 2010 2:37 am

Hello to all you fellow God botheras, from the one and only one Rocket
Rocket - God,sSquad
Shepparton 3 Aug 2010 4:51 pm

Yo, wazzup my brothers!
26 Jul 2010 3:24 pm

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