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God`s Squad CMC Launceston
Sat - 29 Mar - 1:49 am
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God`s Squad CMC Launceston 2012 Guestbook

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Welcome back & Congrats to Peter on attaining colours. L&R...
Andrew Jones - God\'s Squad, North
Leicester, U.K. 28 Apr 2012 12:48 am

Many Congratulations to all in the Launceston Chapter on 20 years of service on the road. The commitment of present serving members in the chapter and those original guys still serving in other chapters, is a milestone to be celebrated; and those called home along the way, we remember. May our God continue to bless and lead you for many more years. See you all again soon.
Sean - European President - GSCMC
http://GSCMC.com Wales, UK 27 Feb 2012 12:12 pm

Congratulations to GSCMC Launceston on your 20th Anniversary. I hope you all enjoy a well deserved celebration. Your chapter is a shining light and a great example to others. Having faced times of great loss and sorrow and taken the good times with the bad, you have remained faithful and united. You have broken through many times for the glory of the kingdom.
Well done. Stay the course. God Bless You.
Dane \'Edna\' Roffey
Brisbane 26 Feb 2012 1:48 pm

Congrats guys on 20 years of service, sacrifice and superlatives. I wish I could of been there to celebrate with you all, but am thankful for the last 5 years I\'ve spent with you; not to mention the last 22 years of friendship. L&R, Jonesy
Andrew Jones - God\'s Squad North
Leeds United Kingdom 25 Feb 2012 10:47 pm

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