Tue - 11 Mar - 11:48 am

An Easter Tale |

| by Chris Brooks (Copyright)
Come in a bit closer, let me tell you a tale, an incredible story. A story of simple humanity, of profound divinity, of the supernatural, betrayal, murder, of brutality, of freedom and the ultimate deliverance of many. A saga of universal proportions, one where our feeble world views might take a pounding. A picture that would change the core of our being if we would but look beyond its simplicity and humanity and see its cosmic and eternal implications.
They came from all over the world; on the first full moon after the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. They did every year, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, a bit like the Haj to Mecca, I suppose. They came by boat, on camel and horseback, but mostly on foot. From Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, North Africa, from cities like Carthage, Alexandria, Ephesus and that great metropolis, Rome. Rich, poor, they came to Jerusalem for the great Passover Celebration. Passover, ... well that's another tale for another day, but let me tell you it was a big deal.