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Sun - 22 Dec - 1:46 am
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An Easter Tale ... more ...

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Those damn Romans, they made sure he was dead, they shoved a sword into his guts. All hell broke loose after he died. All sorts of freaky stuff went down. The sky went completely dark at 3 o'clock, the ground shook and we were told that dead people came alive out of graves.

You know they buried him, chucked him in a hole in a hill and put this bloody great big stone over the hole. We decided it was a good time to rack off out of town after all this and head for home.

We heard some far-fetched garbage about him coming back to life and showing up at his mate's hotel, dressed in glowing white and saying, "Gidday" and "How ya going" type stuff. Sounded like a load'a bull to us.

The fella talked heaps to them on the walk about the Bible and all that stuff, he explained how all the things that happened that weekend had been prophesied to happen hundreds of years earlier and that the God dude had a part in it all. Sounded like Nostrodamus type stuff, doesn't it?

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